Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer Miracles

Hi there! It's the end of the summer and I thought you guys deserved an update. I ended up getting a job, two actually! Yippie! Thanks to all of your prayers and voiced concerns about this. I was very blessed to earn enough money this summer so that I could go back to school this fall. First, I got a job working for my neighbor and really good family friend, Karen Thompson. I helped her with summer projects like painting the house, cleaning her house, helping her survive her daughter's visit :), and other odds and ends. It was a good experience and I felt blessed getting something to do. Next, I got a call from Karen's daughter who needed an employee at a place called Grumpy Jake's over by the DQ in Taylor. I was thrilled when she told me I could start the next day and that I would never have to work Sundays because they were closed on those days. What a blessing! At times it gets hard getting there on account that it's in Taylor and I either have to steal a vehical or someone takes me. It's been worth it though.

Also, the past couple of weeks I've made a big decision that I think will effect the rest of my life. I've decided to become a music major. I can already see myself wondering what the heck I was thinking, but I have always loved music and I feel I need to do this. Music saved me at one point in my life so I think it deserves some payback. I know I'm not the best at music, but I will do my best at it. Thanks Mom for talking me into it! I honestly don't know why I wasted two years when I should've been doing music this whole time. At the same time, perhaps it wasn't a waste after all :)

Anyway, enough of my rambling and going on! I got nothing else to talk about so I'll let ya'll go. Until next time I get bored or have specular news or......whatever I guess :D I love you all.


David McCleve said...

Music, that's sweet. Congrats on the decision. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great at it. Anything specific in music?

mistakes for marion said...

Way to take a decision! Even, if you may consider yourself not that adept of a musician; hard work and effort is what makes the difference. You have both of those.

Desi M. said...

That is my big sis!! :D I hope you have so much fun! you are a doll! ♥

Unknown said...

I want to teach music. I feel like I can get more out of doing that then just being a performing major. That's in answer to your question David :)